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Bilgisayar Mühendisleri Portalı
Imagine Cup 2007 Yazılım Tasarımı Türkiye Finalist'leri Belirlendi
8-10 Mayıs 2007 tarihlerinde İstanbul, İzmir ve Ankara’da gerçekleştirilen Imagine Cup 2007 Yazılım Tasarımı Türkiye yarı finallerinde finalde yarışacak proje ekipleri belirlenmiştir. 10 kişilik juri ekiplerince yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda aşağıda listelenen 10 proje finalist olmaya hak kazanmıştır. Bu projeler 15 Haziran 2007’de İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilecek Imagine Cup 2007 Yazılım Tasarımı Türkiye Finali’nde juri ve izleyeciler önünde sunumlarını gerçekleştireceklerdir.
Finalistler İçin Önemli Bilgiler:
Final etkinliği 15 Haziran 2007 Cuma günü Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Beşiktaş Kampüsü’nde gerçekleşecektir.
Yarışma finali sunumu İngilizce olarak yapılacaktır.
Proje ekiplerine sunum için 20 dakika verilecektir. Sunum sonrası soru-cevap bölümü için ayrıca 5 dakika zaman tanınacaktır.
Finale Kalan Proje ve Grupları
Üniversite Adı: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: TuReVo - (DEU02)
Öğrenciler: Yusuf Sevinir, Yusuf Erdoğan, Ahmet Esat Gülkaya, Abdulhalim Kara
Proje Danışmanı: Hulusi Baysal
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi: Our project is called TuReVo and we aim to redefine the way of accessing educative or similar purposed articles on the web. We planned our system to work similar to a web search engine not text based but tag based. The most important feature of the system is index articles not with their text all but with their tags and serving them to users. Also system provides more interactive way to make users save many kinds of reminding features. System makes users underline articles, defining tag to articles and even drawing bubbles as notes on articles. Since the system stores users with their accounts, users will be able access their notes whenever they want and even access to other users’ notes or underlined sentences. |
Üniversite Adı: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: distancePBL - (DEU03)
Öğrenciler: Ahmet H. Neccaroğlu, Ferhat Bozkurt, Mehmet Emin Kahyatepe, Talip Gürakar
Proje Danışmanı: Şen Çakır
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi:Our Project is implementation of Active learning management system and problem based learning which is the part of active learning model. This project covers the institutes which uses the distance education and people that can not reach the education because of some insufficiencies like physical reasons or financial inadequacy. Our approach increases the efficiency and productivity in education. With technological materials, student-teacher interaction, teacher-teacher interaction and student-material accessing will be easier and the attendance of students will be much more, and instructors will be more expertise further. |
Üniversite ve Bölüm: Galatasaray Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: e-AVS (e – Acquaring Vocational Skills) - (GSU01)
Öğrenciler: Naz Atacan, Hakan Kurtuluş, Özgür Karahan, Fatma Onay
Proje Danışmanı: Sultan N. Turhan
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi:Prioriy focusing on the handicapped and physically LOWER capability individuals, e-AVS (e – Acquaring Vocational Skills) the distance learning methods aims to train all participants in gaining vocational skills using information technology in areas of PATTERN design and applications. |
Üniversite Adı: Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: IDSS (Integrated Digital Schooling System) - (GYTE02)
Öğrenciler: Ali Servet Eyüboğlu, Ömer Emre Aktepe, Hakan İyice, Fatih Samet Çetin
Proje Danışmanı: Mehmet Göktürk
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi:The most important problem that teachers and students suffer from in a classical classroom setting is lack of a successful teacher-student interaction. By our project, it’s aimed to change the general view on education that has been lasting for ages. Traditional education is based on telling of the teacher and listening of the student, besides it has a structure that the communication and the transformation of the information is mostly one-sided. The transformation from the student to teacher can’t be achieved due to shyness of the students and crowded classroom. Most of the electronic class and e-learning have the same problem because of the fact that they were planned according to the traditional education. Our project not only has been setting a new form that enables the expansion of the in class and out of the class support service related with education electronically but also it increases the transformation of the information from student to teacher and transformation between students. Our system consist of numeral board and projection, tablet computer and presentation system that is adapted to chairs. With the help of developed authorized methods there will be many advantages such as having the exams and quizzes easily, anonymous holding hand, seeing and getting, taking questionnaire. If we think that the most prior aim in education is a successful communication and sharing, this goal will be achieved with firm steps by IDSS system... |
Üniversite Adı: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: Pare.NeT - (ITU02)
Öğrenciler: Can Kayacan, Erman Oral, Murat Bilici
Proje Danışmanı: Feza Buzluca
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi: In the world, each person encounters the problems about the issue of communication and sharing after they have became parents. While research shows that babies use common language until they begin to speak, in this project, the use of this language effectively is provided thanks to the technology. What is more, it is found a solution to the communication problem between parents and baby. This system conveys the needs and the meanings of baby to the parents by analyzing the baby’s voice. Also, within the project, information cycle platform that is dynamic and suitable is presented for the parents. |
Üniversite Adı: İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: Preschool Education System - (IYTE01)
Öğrenciler: Evrim Bilgin, Koray Argun, Murat Özkan, Levent Ünver
Proje Danışmanı: Serap Atay
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi:Preschool Education System is a project which deals with the education of the family and the child between 0 – 6 years of age. Project claims to solve the limitations and enhance the methods of traditional preschool education. Using the system, child can experience different situations that he/she cannot experience in the real life. In addition, child is accompanied by primary caregiver while taking the education. Therefore, primary caregiver also takes an education –within the system– in order to give the child an effective and reliable education. The child education is conducted through some problems and games. The results of the education are stored and are sent to the experts via the Internet. By this feature the development of the child can be observed at any time and anywhere. |
Üniversite Adı: Koç Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: I.GET() - (KOC01)
Öğrenciler: Görkem Durğüt, Ediz Esenbuğa, Hasan Tuncer, Nesra Yannıer
Proje Danışmanı: Öznur Özkasap
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi: Our project, I.GET(): Individual Game and Education Technologies, targets to cover the role of computer gaming in the education field. The project consists of design and development of a general framework with an easy-to-use user interface to build computer games for a wide range of educational purposes. The main goal of the project is to enable development of educational games via the framework for non-coder people. Instructors, volunteers and even parents will be able to design, share and customize their own educational content and game scenarios specific to their needs without any programming knowledge. |
Üniversite Adı: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: WRLearning - (ODTU03)
Öğrenciler: Tayfun Akçay, Murat Duman, Gonca Gürsun, Mehmet Tosun
Proje Danışmanı: M. Yaşar Özden
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi: Mobile devices such as cell phones, PDAs, pocket and tablet PCs enable people access information and learning materials from anywhere and at anytime. Today’s society does not prefer learning at a specific location. At this point, WRLearning project comes with solutions to meet society’s tendency. WRLearning provides learning materials built with accepted strategies, learning objects and libraries formed by well-designed metadata, enriched learning environment including individual’s online collaboration to allow access information from anywhere and at anytime. WRLearning project consist two main modules: Semantic Mobile Learning Network and mobilearnpedia. |
Üniversite Adı: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: Mobile-eye - (ODTU05)
Öğrenciler: Adil Battal Kaya, İbrahim Demiral, Deniz Yılmaz, Kemal Aleçakır
Proje Danışmanı: M. Yaşar Özden
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi:Mobile-eye is a personal helper consists, Bluetooth headphone, smart phone and eyeglasses with Bluetooth camera embedded. Our service aims to help visually impaired and blind person to reach knowledge. Our service divided into there parts. They can easily reach source and listen any kind of book that could be printed or digital. Namely our service has different kind of abilities. One of them reads printed materials. Another one is buying and listening. And final one is to solve the problems send over SMS or MMS. In first system, which is reading printed material, user takes a picture of the printed material by eyeglasses or phone camera. It is extensible that depends on user preferences. Than the system send the image to the server and it is converted to string and then send back to the phone. |
Üniversite Adı: Trakya Üniversitesi,
Proje Adı ve Grup Numarası: I.D.E.A (Interactive Distance Education for All) - (TRAKYA01)
Öğrenciler: Timuçin Dursun, Recep Daban, Kaan Okumuş, V.Mert Güneri, A.Sena Eker
Proje Danışmanı: Nurşen Suçsuz
Proje Hakkında Kısa Bilgi: With this project which is named IDEA, we aim to find a solution with using information technology which is more effective, productive, scalable, and cheaper. People who speak different languages from different locations in the world has been come together in the same platform. People who want to get/give education can join the system whenever they want. People who join this system can communicate with each other via video conferencing and share hard copy documents when they transfer into digital media independent on whatever their language is. Via the speech technology which we developed, mentally or phsysically retarded participants can benefit all the features of IDEA by giving verbal commands. |
Finale kalan projeler üniversite isim sırasına göre sıralanmıştır...
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